





Information Exchange


South South exchange : sharing of knowledge and innovation - the case of the dairy sector in India, Uganda and Tanzania (English)

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The overall objective of the South-South knowledge sharing initiative was to enable the development of an improved approach to strategy, production, and cooperation in the dairy sectors of Tanzania and Uganda, with the ultimate aim of increasing local milk production and consumption. More immediate envisaged outputs were better cooperation among small milk producers; introduction of improved or adapted technology at milk collection points and processors; improved collaboration among producers and processors; streamlining of regulatory requirements; and improved capacity at the national dairy boards of each cooperating country. In both Uganda and Tanzania, government and stakeholders have recognized the opportunities that the dairy sector provides. It can contribute substantially to achieving the millennium development goals of reducing child and maternal mortality, while increasing income for small rural households. A crucial part of the information exchange is for participants to gain improved understanding of marketing and pricing strategies that will help them compete successfully with other beverages in the market.



Case Examples


Dairy Industry

Family Milk - Ethiopia

Caption: SNV believes that an excellent way to develop the milk sector in Ethiopia is to boost the country's private sector. By strengthening larger companies and unions, the local farmers directly benefit. SNV Ethiopia works closely with Family Milk, the country's third milk processing company.


AMUL - India

Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation, Limited (Anand, India)



Dairy Value Chain